International Padel

The Pro Padel League announces its 2024 calendar


The Pro Padel League has announced its calendar for 2024. The second season of the American professional circuit will feature 6 events with one million euros in cash to be distributed among the players.

Padel continues to grow in the United States under the guidance of the PPL, which will kick off this year with two tournaments in Florida in April. Additionally, the circuit will visit California and New York. These are currently the three states where the sport has experienced the greatest growth and acceptance.

The PPL has also stated that this year there will be 10 participating teams, many of which will include prominent stars such as Fede Chingotto, Pablo Lima, Juan Martín Díaz, Miguel Lamperti, and the twins Mapi and Majo Sánchez Alayeto.

The first 4 events will correspond to the regular season. The top 8 teams will advance to the PPL Cup Final, scheduled to take place at the end of November in New York. It's worth noting that each franchise matchup consists of a men's, women's, and mixed doubles match.

Finally, the PPL has announced that 2024 will be filled with television agreements in the pursuit of expanding visibility globally.

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