Here are the coaches of the Hexagon Cup
Next week sees the first edition of the HexagonCup. A team competition where players compete for prestige and big prize money.
The coaches for each team are now confirmed.
The first Hexagon Cup event will be held at the Madrid Arena in Spain between 31 January and 4 February 2024. A total of six teams will take part in the competition, with each team having a men's pair, a women's pair and a talent pair that will compete for one million euros.
The Hexagon Cup has now confirmed each team's coach:
Hexagon Team: Ramiro Choya and Maria Silvela.
Rafa Nadal Academy: Rodrigo Ovide and Carlos Pozzoni
RL9 Team: Maxi Gabriel and Marcela Ferrari
Team AD/Vantage: Nito Brea and Seba Nerone
ElevenElevenTeamUSA: Miguel Sciorilli and Willy Lahoz
Team Bella Puerto Rico: Gustavo Pratto and Jorge Martínez
"We are very excited to announce the coaches that will be part of each team participating in the first edition of the Hexagon," said Carlos Almazán, Sporting General Manager of the Hexagon Cup.
Here are the teams participating in Madrid
Hexagon Team
Men: Paquito Navarro and Juan Martín Díaz
Women: Alejandra Salazar and Tamara Icardo
Talent: Pablo Cardona and Alonso Rodriguez
Rafa Nadal Academy: Rafa Nadal Academy
Men: Álex Ruiz and Franco Stupaczuk
Women: Marta Ortega and Gemma Triay
Talent: Guillermo Collado and Daniel Santigosa
Men: Agustín Tapia and Jon Sanz
Women: Ariana Sánchez and Claudia Jensen
Talent: David Gala and Enzo Jensen
Team AD/advantage
Men: Martín Di Nenno and Juan Tello
Women: Delfina Brea and Sofia Araujo
Talent: Pablo Garcia and Pol Hernandez
ElevenEleven Team USA
Men: Fernando Belasteguín and Luciano Capra
Women: Paula Josemaría and Alejandra Alonso
Talent: Alex Chozas and Emilio Sanchez
Team Bella Puerto Rico
Men: Arturo Coello and Coki Nieto
Women: Bea González and Claudia Gonzalez
Talent: Fran Guerrero and Rodrigo Coello