International Padel

Stupaczuk reveals: ”Lebron talked to me and Galan to Martin”


Stupaczuk/Lebron and Galan/Di Nenno in 2024. 
At least, that's what the Spanish players seem to want. In an interview with Marca, Stupaczuk reveals that Lebron called him to start a collaboration.

As the season close, several players will end their collaborations and start new partnerships.

A few weeks ago, Padel Alto reported that some unconfirmed information pointed to Galan/Lebron breaking up. But after the pair started winning many titles, the rumors were dropped.

However, the split still seems to be very much alive. Stupaczuk reveals this in an interview with Marca.

— Ale (Galán) spoke with Martín (Di Nenno) and Juan (Lebrón) with me. Juan spoke with Carlos (Pozzoni), who more or less represents me, but the idea is to continue together. That said, I would like Lebrón and Galán to continue. I think they are a very good pair, and I love playing against the best, Stupaczuk told Marca.

He continues:

— We plan to continue together if it doesn't change tomorrow. I don't know. Everyone has their struggles. I don't know how Martin feels, and he doesn't know how I think, but from today, I can say that yes, we will continue together.

Galan and Lebron themselves have not wanted to comment on this.  

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